Corporate family day: combining work with family
Family is the most important in the life of every human being. You will often hear the phrase: "all I'm doing for the sake of my family." One of the best ways you as an employer to care about employees-to arrange corporate family holiday. The event, during which your company workers spend the whole day surrounded by his family, colleagues and their immediate family members in a relaxed and fun atmosphere.
Do you want:
- raise the prestige of the Organization in the eyes of the employees and their families;
- develop friendships within the band;
- distract workers from monotonous work.
- holding a Family Day.
Corporate family day: what is the trick?
Family events -an effective tool to enhance the value of your employee inthe eyes of his family. Often, the spouses do not understand each other's work, which sometimes conflict situations occur. After Family Day, relatives tend to drastically revise its attitude towards the work of the family member and, concurrently, an employee of your company.
Such activities have another feature is komandoobrazujushhaja. Like it or not, employees are not only surrounded by family, but colleagues with whom they will have to participate in different activities. Cooperation in an informal atmosphere helps make amends for past conflicts and improve microclimate in command.
As you can see, corporate family day has several facets: the development of so-called "continuity of generations, and establishing communication between colleagues on the shop floor.
Hold a family together with corporate BIG JACK
Event-agency BIG JACK to organize a family event suitable with special care: stakeholders need toeresovat not only your employees, but also their families. This dual responsibility, and we have successfully maintained this test.
Children on Family Day we pay special attention to organizing the zone in accordance with the age of children and their interests. Well, while the children play, adults participate in fun competitions and communicate in a relaxed atmosphere.
And to interest holiday "mom, Dad, I'm a corporate familywas genuinely high, we carefully think over the script and invite the best presenters.
Arrange for staff family corporate along with BIG JACK-and you wonder how to improve the microclimate and relevant to you as a Manager.