professional holidays


Day Of Aeroflot
12 February

Day Of Aeroflot

Day of Aeroflot was officially installed in 1979 year. Since then, the holiday is celebrated annually, every second Sunday of February. History of ...
Stayed 1 day
International radio day
13 February

International radio day

February 13, 1946 year at UN Headquarters for the first time, United Nations radio went on the air. World Radio day is to strengthen cooperation among all ...
Daily Tech jokes
14 February

Daily Tech jokes

14 February not only Valentine's day and chocolate hearts. This day celebrates not only the romantic nature, and they are the masters of harda and software, ...
Stayed 1 day
Russian transport police day
18 February

Russian transport police day

Since then, both appeared the first vehicles carrying passengers over long distances, there is a need to maintain public order.
Left 5 days


Day of establishment of forensic services in Russia
1 March

Day of re-establishment of forensic services in Russia

To understand the motives, determine the identity of the perpetrator and find proof of his guilt is an incredibly difficult task which will not afford unprepared ...
Left 16 days
Forensic expert day MIA
1 March

Forensic expert day MIA

The emergence of departments of Criminology in pre-revolutionary Russia is closely linked to the need for forensic examination. In Russia long before the October revolution.
Left 16 days
World children's day of broadcasting
2 March

World children's day of broadcasting

On the first Sunday of March, celebrate your day and those who are associated with transmissions on tv and on the radio-children's day of broadcasting. It's really ...
Left 17 days
World day of the writer
3 March

World day of the writer

Do you know how many writers in the world? In April, their number shall not exceed one hundred thousand, others-two hundred thousand, maybe a little more. If you recall, ...
Left 18 days
International women's day
8 March

International women's day

Thank you women! Relax! And again a few days holiday! And Chief among them is 8 March, favorite holiday not only weak, but strong ...
Left 23 day
International day of DJ
9 March

International day of DJ

From 2002 onwards, on the proposal of the International Club industry held the world DJ day, which is not an official holiday, and very ...
Left 24 day
The day of Geodesy and cartography
9 March

The day of Geodesy and report

It is celebrated on the second Sunday of March. How we lived without maps and surveying was inconceivable without any construction? This is erecting today ...
Left 24 day
Day archives
10 March

Day archives

Day archives in Russia cannot be called an official professional holiday. He had not received such wide distribution, like everyone else, but ...
Left 25 days
The day of drug control bodies (narkopolicii)
11 March

The day of drug control bodies (narkopolicii)

February 16, 2008 for the first time, President Vladimir Putin gave his RS order to celebrate public holidays and the day of drug ...
Left 26 days
The day of the penal correction system of the Ministry of Justice of Russia
12 March

The day of the penal correction system of the Ministry of Justice of Russia

For the first time, the punishment for a criminal offence by imprisonment was legally formalized in Terms of the year 1550. In subsequent years, legally.
Left 27 days
The day of trade, consumer service and housing and communal services
16 March

The day of the trade, consumer service and housing and communal services

The day of workers of public services, Commerce and housing-a celebration of all the people involved in the wholesale/retail trade workers in ...
Stayed 31 day

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