The day of the baptism of RUS '

28 July
Left 160 days
The day of the baptism of RUS '


Christening day is celebrated on July 28. He timed an important date in the history of our country — in 988 year Christianity was declared the State religion. Holiday first became widely celebrated in the year 2010, when Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a corresponding Decree.

Date of celebration was not chosen by chance-it was on this day of remembrance day of Prince Volodymyr, who took the fateful decision for Russia. He tirelessly promoted the spread of orthodoxy, based town and built temples in them. Of course, the transition from Paganism to Christianity took decades, but the Foundation was laid.

On this memorable day in all Orthodox churches celebrated Easter liturgies. The city filled with bells, the procession went thousands of believers. Festive chime is arranged in 68 countries cities — wherever there are temples of the Russian Orthodox Church. Monasteries are organizing the celebratory receptions and in old Russian city themed exhibitions and lectures.

28 July, many opt for a suitable date for the acceptance of baptism.

Interestingly, this same day is a holiday in Ukraine and Belarus. There's also arrange festive service, procession. In some cities organize concerts.

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