Daily glass industry

19 November
Left 208 days
Daily glass industry


This Prof. celebration of people working in the glass industry coincided with the birth of Mikhail Lomonosov, Russian scientist's outstanding. This he created the foundations of chemical production of porcelain, glaze, and glass. He was also a developer of technology for production of colored glass, which were themselves Lomonosov mosaic. It was also invented porcelain mass. About five thousand years have passed since then, as it was invented by fabric, without which we will not be able to do in any sphere of human activity is glass. The first glass that came to our time of Egyptian origin.

Since the beginning of the XI century in ancient Russia there were products of stained glass from which made both dishes and decorations and mosaic. Way of getting the glass was taken from the Byzantines, and only during the reign of Yaroslav the wise Wizard in Kyiv started to produce Kremnezemno-svencovoe glass. Glass, of course, have ancient origins, but mass production of glass began only after the invention of the SIEMENS-Martin furnaces and production at factories of soda. And only in the modern world began to produce sheet glass. It began producing only when in 2nd half of the twentieth century, invented a new technology for obtaining glass.

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