Day environmentalist or environmental world day Wednesday

5 June
Stayed 41 day
Day environmentalist or environmental world day Wednesday


Global changes in nature, generally surrounding each visible today Wednesday. The world is concerned about and long tries to identify the course of further disasters, to take measures to stabilize the situation. In May 1971, more than two thousand prominent figures of science and culture in many countries around the world have addressed the UN General Assembly, the so-called "Mentovskoe", which warned of the dangers threatening mankind in connection with pollution the environment Wednesday. And forty years ago, trying to attract to the problem of the entire world community, the Assembly declared June 5 World Environment Day Wednesday. In 2007 year the professional holiday of environmentalists was approved and in Russia.

It's not just a holiday professionals. Its essence is to ozabotit all threatening challenges getting people not just to think about nature protection, and teach, forcing society to fight for purity of the planet, to mobilize for a good cause, State structures and public organizations. Everywhere conducted environmental promotion: days protection of water, forests, fields, air, comes a constant struggle with nature, pollution reduction or prevention of man-made disasters, strengthening and improvement of the natural and cultural landscapes.

But one little enthusiasm! Need a large increase in investment in research and development, assisting developing countries in establishing appropriate scientific capacity. All this must be addressed in a global manner, make a study on the space arena. And yet it is a holiday. And environmentalists and all progressive humanity. And he does not forget us of threatening problems, makes you wonder about the overhauled our relations to natural resources.

Happy holidays to you, representatives of the Ministry of natural resources, environmental Prosecutor's Office, departments, environmental management, public and private environmental organizations. Happy environmentalist, enthusiasts! In your hands-the future of the planet!

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