Day florist

25 July
Left 90 days
Day florist


At all times people aspired to an aesthetic beauty, stretched to everything beautiful and tried to learn the secrets of nature. Florists are representatives of the profession, who are able to paint our grey everyday life, presenting the beauty of colors and their unique fragrance. Wizards-florists are able to "create" the mood surrounding the with the help of mother nature.

Its origins takes another profession in ancient Egypt. Palaces and temples Egyptians decorated unique compositions of flowers and herbs. The Greeks were also great aesthetes. It was there that the first professionals, who were weaving wreaths and flower arrangements. In Greece all the plants were given the reasonable ability. In the middle ages the magic colors polonilo and Christianity.

Tradition of giving bouquets» first appears in France and the knowledge of the language of flowers was considered de rigeur. At the same time, girls in Russia, as gratitude from their companions, are receiving trays, cardboard cuffs, edged with delicate tulle or satin. Unfortunately, in this fantasy florists ended.

Today it is very difficult to imagine any holiday or celebration without the use of compositions from flowers. These gifts of nature blagouhannye giving as gifts, they decorate tables, and rooms. However, the beautiful and tasteful to talk about their feelings, stress respect and trust can only proper flower arrangement.

Floristics in the modern world is not just a profession, it is a gift and the art of worship. To each his creation professionals put their hearts and knowledge. Florists carry in our world. Thanks them for it!

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