Day planner

16 November
Stayed 271 day
Day planner


Day planner today exists only in Russia. It was first observed November 16, 2005 year the company "Rospajp". The initiator of a holiday very simply explained his decision: energy, builders, engineers have their professional date, and designers are not. When the design work is preceded by building and have a very great importance.

In the first year of the holiday observed only in St. Petersburg. Then spread to Moscow and Novosibirsk. Today is the day the designer became a Russian holiday. Initiator plans do event worldwide.

How to celebrate

A day planner is a good time for a celebratory event and congratulate employees. In addition, the event celebrated in major cities, inviting designers to professional meeting. Experts in an informal setting to discuss important issues and be in the company of colleagues in the profession.

Mass meetings in the Day Planner began to occur from 2007 onwards, when St. Petersburg arrived more than 2000 professionals from 15 different cities of the country. Now the event is visited by more professionals. The meetings are fun and mentally.

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