Russian police day

10 November
Left 265 days
Russian police day


Russian police day celebrated with the year 2011 is the year the militia was renamed to the police. The solemn date for law enforcement-10 November. Previously on militia day celebrated on November 1, this holiday established in 1988 year.

The police service has appeared in Russia under Peter. He founded a new authority to maintain order and called it by the police. The service followed the lead public safety shelters, resettlement, as well as struggled with runaway criminals and controlled trade in their territory.

How to celebrate Russian police Day

Professional holiday celebrated by many police officers at the post. In this day of concerts, as well as stipends are awarded to police. Work schedule of law enforcement officers is not limited to standard 8:00-the police must work around the clock. So time for a complete rest in humans in the form of no.

Noted solemnly Russian police Day directly in Office. Those who post have to give up alcohol, but they participate in the program.

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