Visiting team: a new solution to old problems
Examine your team, identify the unconditional leaders develop weaknesses of staff and old conflicts in a familiar situation impossible. Even if you spend several activities within the Office or of the city, you will not be able to understand their subordinates to end. People will not be able to open up fully in familiar surroundings, and its change-a good solution for those who want to really understand their employees.
Offsite team building activities is an efficient tool that will allow to solve the following tasks:
- explore each of our employees, to reveal its weaknesses and strengths, new abilities;
- encourage employees to collaborate, work as a team;
- give employees positive emotions and pleasant memories about working in your company;
- resolve old conflicts in a team.
In new surroundings-another city or even country-familiar people can behave quite differently. Perhaps their new features and abilities will surprise for themselves.
The visiting team in Moscow, in the country, abroad
Teambuilding in the countryside or abroad based on changing circumstances. No matter where you go-in the neighboring town, near abroad or on the other side of the world, changing the location, you will achieve your goals. If limited to a familiar city for your employees and, especially, the Office, the event will not yield proper results, so you should take care in advance of visit.
The trip will take several days, so get ready to leave for later projects. Select the right time: If the event suddenly falls through due to urgent tasks or edits from a customer, and you will be forced to undertake quests in home locations, they will bring only harm: wait staff do not coincide with reality, and they are unlikely to enthusiast.
Good solution would be travellers on may or new year holidays: as a rule, at this time there has been a lull in the flow of customers and staff are not opposed to spend leisure time in other country or new town.
The script consists of team quest and strategic planning session, which are conducting according to the results of teamwork. At the session, participants will be able to find solutions to improve the efficiency of collaboration, solve conflicts, if they occur, will be able to showBT itself.
An important part of the event will be and entertainment. It will allow to forget about hierarchy and subordination, to forge friendships, to communicate in an informal atmosphere.
Organization of catering event- only opportunity to rally the team of remote workers. More and more companies prefer to work remotely, search for specialists from different cities, not limited to one specific location. There are organizations based on the branches. Staff from branches and remote workers in the framework of team will meet each other in person, chat, links. Such an event would create a cohesive team with its own microclimate, jokes, shared memories.
"Big Jack": travel together!
Teambuilding abroad is a complex, requiring a lot of preparation time, but brings dramatic results. We know from experience how difficult it is to determine the location and choose the perfect scenario for a meeting. So, working over the journey the team X 5 Retail Group (one of the leaders of the Russian retail), we spent 5 months on elaborate locations and programs. Eventually stopped at Riga, where they could store and audited by joking to acquaint each other with staff from different branches of the company.