Day Freelancer

14 May
Left 20 days
Day Freelancer


May 14, 2005 year was founded the Russian Exchange freelancing Every year, on this day for freelancers are organized celebrations, which may be those who work on the Web.
Freelance profession appeared in our country relatively recently, but its popularity is rapidly gaining momentum.
Translation of this word means "free", "free lance"-spear. In Sir Walter Scott's famous novel "Ivanhoe" this word is called hired medieval Warrior. Now, this is more of a "free artist", a man who is not tied to a permanent job, and not a member of the staff of the company. Freelance work schedule establishes itself, it is search of orders, which is carried out through the Internet.

Homework allows you to remain independent of the whims of bosses, vacation schedule, job descriptions, work from call to call and sitting in a stuffy Office. After all, you can work while there, where there is Internet, engage a freelancer in his spare time, combining his studies with childcare or elect his main field of activity.

Options for remote work in abundance. This can be the promotion and creation of websites, rewriting, design, programming, copywriting, and more. All that the Internet has to offer in terms of work on a remote basis, independent of a specific employer. Despite the apparent ease of it work that requires hard self-control, perseverance, possession of certain skills and knowledge. On freelancing no fixed salary, no one will offer employment benefits, no guaranteed pay and stable income. But, despite these shortcomings, a number of freelancers from year to year to multiply and grow. A huge number of people have found my vocation in this work.

Great popularity today, acquires Coworking. Often working at home is very difficult to divert household chores or small children. Then people rent a separate room and work together while remaining the same free artists. The convenience of this type of freelancing is that, by remaining independent and free, people are able to communicate with and help each other.

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