Team building ropes course: the first step to the formation of a strong team
Rope course is an intense komandoobrazujushhij training using various climbing equipment: ropes, carabiners.
Powerful, exciting and extreme training for your employees. A rope park and armed with climbing equipment, your staff will experience yourself the strength and learn to work in a team.
Rope teambuilding solves several tasks:
- generates a click able on accomplishments;
- resolves conflict situations existing in your team;
- develops a taste for healthy competition;
- bringing employees to corporate values and culture.
Rope quest-"good old classics", which is ideal for an unsophisticated audience. If you've never conducted training in your company and not cared about human, go with us in the rope park-the results you oshelomjat.
Before you-training, stood the test of time. It is simple and effective. Participants don't have to listen to for a long time the rules and remember the terms of a new game. Everything you need, to learn how to use carbines and listen to instructions. This will take no more than 10 minutes.
Rope course: u istokov teambuilding
You will be surprised, but the rope course became the first team-format. Even maps of Khan, a renowned educator, promoted the idea of personal development through physical exercise. In his view, thanks to the harmonious physical development can nurture in human empathy, curiosity, persistence, willingness to victims and the spirit of a winner. All this might formed through teambuilding.
Rope teambuilding in the traditional reading consists of three types of tasks: diagnostic, solo and group. In the first case, the estimated level of training of the team members, the second is formed by the ability to work in a team, third-parties motivated to personal achievements. Tasks and exercises related to the work with ropes and climbing equipment: your employees will undergo all sorts of trails at an altitude of. Some jobs are quite extreme, but not to worry: thanks to equipment injuries excluded. However, after the passage of this or that test players will be in a good mood.
This team assumes clear evaluation criteria. Rezaltaty will be considered positive if and only if all the tracks and testing team will pass. So team members will be able to assess their own training and effectiveness, understand what their weaknesses and be able to correct them. This teambuilding generates not only the command itself, but also the notion of shared and personal responsibility.
"Big Jack": Classic reimagined
The company "big JACK" is a team of young, active, creative people, professionals in their fields, capable to solve the daunting task. We are ready to implement traditional and original scripts. If you are interested in teambuilding, but you want some depart from the classical format, we will be able to modify it so that new elements did not look alien.
We are moving away from the standards and regulations, use modern design and harmonious vpletaem. One such innovation-mobile quest, which involves the performance of tasks by using hints via the QR code.
"Big Jack" practicing a flexible approach, even in the classic adventure and team-building programs. We develop a program based on the needs and wishes of the client, combine within the rope teambuilding and corporate values, the Mission of the company.